call for papers

Presentation Specifications

Presentation types

Types of papers accepted for submission are:


Concise papers

Concise papers may feature the following: 

  • provide a forum for discussion of key directions in research informed practice; 
  • the presentation of works in progress;  
  • reports on specialised topics;  
  • position papers;  
  • pilot studies; or  
  • brief reports on innovative practice in technology supported teaching and learning.  

As a general guide, a concise paper might include background information, a description of the work undertaken, results achieved and discussion or conclusions. 

Presentation format 

  • 12-minute presentation plus 3-minute Q&A (then 5 minutes enabling a changeover for rooms). 

Submission format 

  • 5 pages maximum (including APA referencing) developed on the concise paper submission template which is author de-identified  

Review Criteria  

Double blind peer review based on the following criteria: 

  • Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience; 
  • The paper is original, and clearly identifies broad and insightful implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice; 
  • Clearly situated in current literature and/or policy with well-articulated conceptual or theoretical framework and related research questions that address a novel issue(s); 
  • Adopts an appropriate research methodology for the purpose of the paper;  
  • Insightful critical analysis and interpretation that leads to clear, logical findings, conclusions and implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;  
  • Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience; 
  • Ease of reading, grammar, spelling, format, and referencing details. 

Download template here

Submit your papers through the OJS system here