Types of papers accepted for submission are:
Cochrane, Thomas; HINZE, MEREDITH; GLASSER, SOLANGE; Narayan, Vickel (2024). Tips for Presenting at ASCILITE2024. The University of Melbourne. Media. Tips for Presenting at ASCILITE2024
Full papers may feature the following:
Presentation format
Submission format
Review Criteria
Double blind peer review based on the following criteria:
Concise papers may feature the following:
As a general guide, a concise paper might include background information, a description of the work undertaken, results achieved and discussion or conclusions.
Presentation format
Submission format
Review Criteria
Double blind peer review based on the following criteria:
Posters are an opportunity to visually share and showcase projects and development initiatives and discuss these with conference delegates. Format for Digital Posters - PDF, 150DPI, A0. Also supply a JPG version for a thumbnail.
Upload your Digital Poster here by 25th November as a PDF, A0 size, 150 ppi https://go.unimelb.edu.au/9d78 Text, Audio and YouTube Comments are enabled for 'Virtual presentations'. Discuss your Poster F2F during conference Lunch 12:30-1:30pm Room155 Monday-Weds. PADLET linked in conference App iOS or Android Voting form coming soon.
Submission format
Review criteria
Double blind peer review for Posters are based on the following criteria:
Panel/Symposia/Debates provide an interactive platform to:
Presentation format
Submission format
Review criteria
Submsission will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
Extended Abstracts are an opportunity to share and showcase innovative Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) practice through a Pecha Kucha presentation. Extended Abstracts may feature practice-based examples such as scholarly practice, learning innovations, professional development innovations, outcomes of communities of practice, etc.
Abstract format
Presentation format
Review criteria
Blind peer review for Extended Abstracts- Pecha Kucha based on the following criteria:
There are two types of workshops – pre-conference and during the conference. Pre-Conference Workshops are held on the Sunday and are an extra cost to attend. Workshops constitute the conference’s most direct contribution towards professional development in educational technology and related topics. Workshops enable participants to work with experts in specific areas to acquire knowledge, enhance skills and develop broader perspectives. These are not research presentations.
Submission Format
Presentation Format
Review Criteria